Cole Slaw

Here is one simple, fast, tasty recipe for the books. How much more convenient could it get to eat cabbage?

Authors: Jolene Strack, Deborah Strack

Yield: one large bowl, or about 10-12 servings

Seasons: Whenever there’s cabbage.


• 1 large cabbage

• 1 1/2 to 2 cups vegenaise (or mayo, we prefer homemade vegenaise)

• 1 small red onion

• 3 tablespoons Sauerkraut juice

• 2 carrots or chopped tomatoes (optional)


1. Slice cabbage and shred in food processor

2. Chop up onion, carrots or tomatoes (usually wouldn’t do both at once), add to bowl

3. Add cabbage and vegenaise to bowl, mix, and serve.

Goes great with burgers.