The Future.

Grow in Grace Market Gardens enters the books of history. At least, one of the few chapters that exist in my life book. And as I look back, it has done exactly what it was intended to do. Grow me. And grow others. It grew friendships, it grew my relationship with God. It was time…

Pumpkin Tip (or Microgreen) Coconut Curry

From the kitchenette of Johanna Erickson INGREDIENTS 1 bunch of pumpkin or butternut squash tips* (or multiple packs of squash shoots/Microgreens)1 can of coconut milk1 onion3 cloves of garlic1/2 tsp of salt (or to taste)14 oz of tofu crumbled1 tbs McKay’s chicken style seasoning or other vegetarian chicken seasoning.1 tbs braggs liquid aminos1 tsp curry…

Soil Testing – Albrecht Method done the right way

Click here to listen to my most recent seminar on this method. Click here to download the seminar handout. Some additional information: As was mentioned, you can use a shovel and or a spoon besides a soil probe, you will need about 2 cups of soil per sample, packaged in a ziploc bag, I would recommend taping…

SUTLIKA! Also known as… Zucchini Pudding!

I don’t know about you, but if there’s one thing that defines summer in quantity, it would be Zucchini (and Summer Squash). The overload! And even with picking the plants three times a week, there’s still big giant ones that always seem to pop up and dominate the patch. I don’t sell those (but if…

Oatmeal, the Strack way.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper.” -Unknown In many households, it is the staple of all staples. Those who have given up the often expensive, and unhealthy habit of sugary cold cereal every morning, find in oatmeal a hot, cost effective, and healthy alternative. The following is…

Haystacks! The Strack way.

I want to open up the door to new ideas here. In fact, what about a book of 101 ways to do haystacks? If you’ve never had a Haystack before (and you probably have but just didn’t know it was called that) let me introduce it to you. Author: Ella May Hartlein. This particular version…

Gluten Free Vegan Zucchini Muffins

Author: Jolene Strack Yield: 24 muffins. Seasons: Summer, All with frozen squash INGREDIENTS: • 1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar • 1 1/2 – 2 cups water (if the squash is frozen, probably won’t need as much water) • 20 drops stevia extract (or 1/4 Tsp stevia powder, or 1/4 cup sugar) • 1-2 tablespoons maple…

Cole Slaw

Here is one simple, fast, tasty recipe for the books. How much more convenient could it get to eat cabbage? Authors: Jolene Strack, Deborah Strack Yield: one large bowl, or about 10-12 servings Seasons: Whenever there’s cabbage. INGREDIENTS: • 1 large cabbage • 1 1/2 to 2 cups vegenaise (or mayo, we prefer homemade vegenaise)…

Gluten Free Vegan Pancakes

Every Sunday in our house is Pancake day (Sabbath is cold cereal (homemade granola) day), and when we hit the gluten free wall, it suddenly fell through the floor. Mom tirelessly worked through many many trials of different recipes, and we bought plenty of freezer waffles too. Finally the following recipe developed, was refined, and…

Millet Flax Gluten Free Bread

Prep Time: Less than 30 min Bake Time: Up to 1 hr Yield: Makes 1 2.5 lb loaf INGREDIENTS • 300g millet flour • 120g tapioca starch/flour • 80g flax seed meal • 30g chia seed meal (Put with flax in blender to produce meal) • 22g whole psyllium seed husk (Do not use ground)…